Herbed Egg & Sausage Pizzettes

5 min
10 min


  • Original or Sourdough Bays® English Muffins
  • 1/2 lb of Breakfast Sausage
  • 2-3 TBSP of Butter
  • 6 Eggs
  • Shredded Gouda Cheese
  • Fresh Herbs of Your Choice


  • 1. Cook breakfast sausage in pan until done and set aside
  • 2. Cook 6 eggs sunny side up and set aside
  • 3. Butter 6 BAYS English Muffin halves and put them face down on a heated pan. Gently toast until lightly golden.
  • 4. Top each English muffin with sausage, egg, and cheese. Broil in oven at 500 degrees for 1-2 minutes to melt the cheese.
  • 5. Sprinkle fresh herbs on top and enjoy!
a tray of bays with eggs and meat including two dark purple drinks